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Campaign Posters

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Promote Your Candidacy

Posters are the perfect marketing tool for building awareness about your campaign in an upcoming election. Election campaign posters are a great "take-away" for rallies and speeches that turn your supporters into promoters. Political posters can be placed virtually anywhere, from mounted on a wall to inserted in a frame to hanging in a window. That’s what makes political posters so popular—their versatility and overall low cost.

Recognition is key come Election Day. Posters spotlight your platform by promoting your name, face and office you're running for. Add a message to your poster that embodies your political philosophy. The more voters see your campaign posters, the more likely they'll be interested learning about your stance on key issues. Check for state or local regulations on campaign advertising. Come Election Day, your strategic use of posters and other marketing materials will win votes in your favor.

If you don’t see the perfect design, it’s easy to create your own using our free online designer. Browse our vast selection of free templates and customize your favorite or upload your own completed design. We print in full color in three different materials: poster paper, matte poster paper, and .020 styrene. Poster paper is the more-affordable choice for political posters. To make the best impression, order your political posters on our professional-quality .020 Styrene material.

Campaign posters are a proven, cost-effective tactic for promoting a political run. If it’s time to hit the campaign trail, order today at!

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