FedEx is our primary courier partner. FedEx offers Next Day Air, 2nd Day Air, 3 Day Select, and Ground shipping. We ship to all 50 states and Canada. We also offer freight service for oversized items via YRC and local pickup at our Dallas, TX production facility.
FedEx Next Day Air®
Guaranteed Delivery Commitment: Next business day delivery by 12:00 noon, or end of day, depending on destination. Serves all 50 states, with some limitations in Alaska and Hawaii. Saturday Delivery or early a.m. on business day is available for additional charges.
FedEx 2nd-Day Air®
Delivery Commitment: Delivery by the end of the second business day. Serves all 50 states, with some limitations in Alaska and Hawaii.
FedEx 3-Day Select
Delivery Commitment: Delivery by the end of the third business day.
FedEx Ground
Cost-effective delivery for commercial and residential shipments, typically in 1 to 5 days.
Delivery date is not guaranteed.